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Thoreb offers a flexible and powerful Infotainment system. It has high resolution colour displays, available in different dimensions and for different installation options, to show useful traffic information and commercials to passengers, based on the vehicle's block and location.

The Infotainment system can be connected to the PA system, which also enables automatic audible announce­ments.

The passenger display layout can be adapted to meet all customers' needs. When and what information should be displayed can be linked to selected block and journey. Our customers can decide to show the name of the line and destination together with a list of stops when driving, or a map indicating the current location with the route outlined. Commercials can also be shown on separate displays, or on the same area, where the map is displayed. Moreover, certain commercials could be associated with certain stops. When approaching a stop, a map can display further information about the surroundings. Information about other departures from the stop can be displayed together with estimated departure times. Text messages from the driver, or the traffic management can be displayed, if there should be any. By using Thoreb's web based application MediaCloud it is easy to administrate the passenger infotainment. With Thoreb MediaCloud, playlists are created and media files are automatically loaded to the Infotainment displays in the vehicles, as soon as they are published.


  • Customized for different needs

  • Information shown when needed

  • Connection protection enabled

  • Log of shown commercials

  • Automatic audible announcements

With our Infotainment system you are able to meet your customers' desire for information during their complete journey.

Transtek Turkey Automotive

+90 (212) 801 62 97

Merkez Mah. Akar Cad. No:3 N:98 ÅžiÅŸli /  ISTANBUL

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